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发布时间:2018-11-13 07:27:43 所属栏目:电商 来源:比尔盖茨
导读:副标题#e# (原标题:比尔·盖茨:我在中国与一罐屎同台亮相) 你通常不会走上台站到一罐子屎的旁边…… 昨天,在北京举行的新世代厕所博览会上,我用一罐粪便作为自己的演讲道具,这在人群中引起了一阵窃笑。但我此举是为了吸引人们关注一个每年导致50多万

This was a dimension of poverty we hadn’t seen before, and it motivated us to try to do something about it. It wasn’t just the degradation and suffering that people face every day doing something that’s essential and natural for all human beings. It was also because so much of what Melinda and I seek to achieve in saving and improving lives can’t be accomplished unless people everywhere have safe sanitation.

It became clear to us that if the world was going to continue making progress against the diseases of poverty, we’d have to create a new way of looking at—and eventually solving—the global sanitation crisis.

In 2009, I posed a question to a group of scientists and engineers: was it possible to leapfrog the long-accepted “gold standard” of sanitation: flush toilets, sewers, and treatment plants?

(编辑:PHP编程网 - 湛江站长网)

